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South Eugene High School

SEHS Newsletter - December 13, 2024

Posted Date: 12/13/24 (11:40 PM)

SEHS Newsletter
December 13, 2024
Upcoming at South
12/16 - 12/20 - Winter Food Drive
12/16 - 12/20 - Axe of Kindness Week
12/17 - Winter Band Concert, 7pm
12/19 - Winter Choir/Orchestra Concert, 7pm
12/23 - 1/6 - Winter Break
1/7 - Classes Resume
1/10 - Senior Photos & Yearbook Quotes Due
1/16 - Last Day to Withdraw from a Class or Request Pass/No Pass Grading
1/20 - No School, MLK Jr. Day
1/23 - IHS 8th Grade Info Night, 7pm
1/29 - FAFSA Completion Night, 7pm
1/31 - No School, Semester Grading Day
2/3 - No School, Transition Day
2/4 - Semester 2 Begins
Food Boxes Available Next Week
Click here for more information and to fill out this Google form to sign up to receive a food box!
Seeking Food Donations Through Next Week
Every year, we offer food boxes to South families in need during breaks--this year is no different, and we are in need of more food and/or gift card donations! One of our 9th grade Academic Essentials classes is partnering with our Economic Justice League student group (EJL) to do a food drive over this last week before winter break. 

We are trying to get as many items donated as possible! There are bins outside the main office & outside the cafeteria, but you can also drop off donations in the front office. Thank you so much--any donation truly helps and makes a difference!
Swim Team Fundraiser - Track Town Pizza
On Monday December 16th the swim team is hosting a fundraiser at Track Town pizza!

50% of house orders, to-go orders, and gift-certificates will go towards the South swim team! When you go to support, make sure to tell them it’s for the swim team for the donation to count! We hope to see you there!
Thought of the Week
"Even the quietest cactus wants to dance on the moon." -Unknown
College & Career Corner
Lori Sauter and Leann Hollenbeak, SEHS College and Career Center Coordinators
Hello! We’re at your service to help you with any post-high-school planning questions you might have. 
College and Program Visits:

Wed December 18, 2024:

  • No need to register in advance
  • Check with your teacher re: missing class for 40 minutes..
  • In-person visits are excused absences.
  • Visits take place in the  College and Career Center (former main office) unless otherwise noted.
  • Use a computer (and earbuds, if possible) for virtual visits. Participate virtually from the College and Career Center for an excused absence. Zoom links are located in Naviance: Home - What’s New - more info.
  • Complete college visit list (constant work in progress)

This Week’s Featured Scholarships:

Due Scholarship (value)
1/5/25@5 pm Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce Future First Citizen Scholarship ($1,000-$1,500). Note the new due date. Also, the letter of recommendation requirement has been eliminated.

Career Center Current Events:

2024 SEHS Financial-Aid Night Webinar recording. Presentation begins at 2:32, so I recommend starting there. It includes an overview and Q & A session presented by financial-aid representatives from the University of Oregon and Lane Community College.

Seeking donations for SEHS Scholarships. Two SEHS scholarships are in need of funding:

  • SEHS/EHS Alumni Scholarship (created by the class of 1954 for high achieving, 4-year-college-bound students and usually funded by SEHS alumni)
  • SEHS Staff Scholarship (for students headed to a community college or vocational or trade school and usually funded by SEHS staff)

I invite you to consider contributing to one or both of these funds by clicking their links. (BTW, we won't be fussy about contributions that come from non-alumni and non-staff members!) Thank you!

12/15: Early-action applicants to the UO and OSU should receive admission decisions by this date.

1/7: Elevate Lane County winter job shadow application window now open. 60 applicants will be selected to visit a local company in their career field of interest for a 3-hour job shadow experience. CLC gives priority to students who have completed a job shadow when they also apply to CLC’s paid summer internship program. Application deadline: 1/14, but participants may be selected on a first come, first served basis, so hurry!

1/8: Deadline for the Design Arts Apprenticeship Program. This 10-week (1/20-4/4) program offers students apprenticeship opportunities in graphic, digital, and physical design. Each family makes a financial contribution to the program based on what they feel they can afford. Apply. Información y aplicación en Español

1/13: LCC’s RTEC101 course begins. Free, 1-credit, online LCC class for seniors. This class is all about preparing you with the necessary tools and resources you need to become a successful student at Lane.